Wow!! I can’t believe how fast March went, can you guys???
It flew by way too fast, I am really sorry that a lot of you guys were sick
back at home! I actually got sick here too on Thursday so we were all
So Monday nothing really happened of note after writing
except in volleyball we played Americans vs Latinos and it definitely got way
too intense, but super fun!!

Tuesday we once again discovered the curse of Maria de Los
Angeles, she is only ever home when we do not have any plans to visit her! We
were just walking by and I was like hey, we haven’t seen her in weeks, and so
we taught her and boom she wants to get baptized! Then later that day we taught
Abril, the new investigator from earlier that week and after the first lesson
she asked us when she could serve her mission, how cool is that?? Then in the night
we visited the Bishops mom, and she asked us what the atonement was and the
spirit took over and we taught just a super cool object lesson about mercy vs
justice and it was such a cool lesson!
Wednesday the weather was just straight up wack!!! It was
hailing like huge pieces of ice, and then a little bit later it was super hot!
We had another lesson with Abril, but the primary president who just got back
from her mission to the temple talked about the temple for like 30 minutes and
we were just like "Hermana, we aren't sure if she remembers the name of
Joseph Smith" But after that it was a really good lesson! And she already
knows the book of Mormon is true!! Then in the night, I got to do divisions
with Daniel Chavez again and I love doing splits with him, he is super funny
and super powerful too!!

Thursday, I started off by making my companion run with me,
which was fun but I am super out of shape! Then not long after, I got sick so
we were in the house all day long which sucked! It was because of the food that
we ate on Wednesday because my comp didn't feel good either and both Elder
Kleinman and Elder Peterson were both sick!!
Then on Friday we broke the curse of Maria de Los Angeles
and had a super good lesson with her, she wants to like introduce us to all of
her friends! So we are going to teach her in the house of one of her friends
next week! Then we went to our lesson with Citlali and she told us she has been
thinking about us all week and just how weird it is that we are serving
missions but how we must know what we are doing is true if we are going to
spend this time. She totally loves the book of Mormon! Haha I can’t believe
that I am probably going to be gone after this change because we are finding so
many amazing people!! Also the video Because He Lives came out, and it is super
cool!! You all need to watch it, it’s just as cool as Because of Him and He is
the Gift, I love these videos!

Then Saturday the weather was just absolutely terrible and
all of our appointments fell through, like every single one of them, it was a
pretty awful day! It was raining a ton! and bleh!!! I am just going to pretend
that day didn't happen haha!!!
Yesterday after church we got to watch the movie the
restoration at two different family home evenings and we got to do outside
blessings just like when I was a priest so it was a pretty cool day!!!
Elder Stout