Hey all!
Well the big news is that I got so blessed with my last
companion! My new comp is Elder McClure from Denver Colorado. He has 3months
less than me in the mission. But, the super cool thing is that when I was in
the branch of Topilejo he was right next to me in the branch of Ajusco. We got
to know each other really well talking about all of the trials of being in hard
areas, and I always knew that he was going to be a zone leader, and every time
there were changes, I was just waiting for him to be pulled up, and always
hoping that wed get the opportunity to be comps. Well, last Monday when they
read off our changes I got the very pleasant suprise of seeing my buddy Elder
McClure´s name. Wow,what a blessing! I am so excited to be able to work with
him my last few weeks in the mission!
well i am really sorry for a couple things; first of all because this is going to be a super short email because we just got a call that there is a problem in our zone that we have to go fix today; so happy pday!! aLso; this keyboard has like a broken shift key i think so sometiMes The capitaLs come through weird or the symbols so just live witH it!:)
this week was quite the week of runninG aroUNd; wE had a toN of succesS; we had a lot that we had to do for it being the first weeK of the chaNGes aND eVerythiNG buT we stIll were ablE to teacH (i think) the mOst lessONS that i have taught iN my entire missiON; every night we got back to the house; and we wOuld just be complEtely ExhAustED: but it feels rEaLlY good to be worKinG tHiS hard; i waNT tO fiNisH my missiOn wOrkING super suPER HaRD, aND This weeK was a REaLly good sTArt to it!
well i am really sorry for a couple things; first of all because this is going to be a super short email because we just got a call that there is a problem in our zone that we have to go fix today; so happy pday!! aLso; this keyboard has like a broken shift key i think so sometiMes The capitaLs come through weird or the symbols so just live witH it!:)
this week was quite the week of runninG aroUNd; wE had a toN of succesS; we had a lot that we had to do for it being the first weeK of the chaNGes aND eVerythiNG buT we stIll were ablE to teacH (i think) the mOst lessONS that i have taught iN my entire missiON; every night we got back to the house; and we wOuld just be complEtely ExhAustED: but it feels rEaLlY good to be worKinG tHiS hard; i waNT tO fiNisH my missiOn wOrkING super suPER HaRD, aND This weeK was a REaLly good sTArt to it!
WELL I HAVE tO rUN! MaN, THIS KEYboard is reAlly bothering
me! BuT tHAnks for everything thaT you guys do for me!
Elder STout
Elder STout