Hey all!!
Well, I won’t have quite intense of an email as last week,
because well that may have been a once in a while experience! But the crowning
event of this last week was our baptism of Tamara and Rubi this last Saturday!
Teaching these two hermanas strengthened my testimony so
much in the fact that this is truly the Lords work. First of all, they just
showed me again that these things that I share every day are true, and that God
wants as many people to accept these things as possible, so He is out here
preparing the hearts of these people to receive the message of the gospel, and
if we let Him, through our faith, obedience and diligence, He will guide us
right to them!
We went to contact Tamara and Rubi one night when actually
we were having a pretty tough day, and based on what the family had told us we didn’t
have a lot of faith that they were going to go anywhere with the gospel. So,
when our other plans fell through, we just decided to go see Tamara and Rubi. Tamara
came out, and just simply asked us, ´´Can you teach me about the Bible? ´´
Taken aback we told her “sure thing, we can do that!”
Tamara always loved every lesson, even some of the deeper
stuff like Repentance or certain commandments and things like that she would
just be in tears and say ´´how wonderful it is that God loves us enough to give
us this, thank you Elders for coming to share this with me. ´´
So the baptismal service was a huge success. Rubi asked
Elder Penrod to baptize her and Tamara asked me!! The first time I have been
able to be in white together with my comp! We planned a big surprise for the
hermanas. A couple of weeks ago in church we sang, ´´Onward, Christian
Soldiers´´ and Tamara commented to me how it was a super beautiful song. So, we
pulled together about half the elders from the zone and we surprised her by
singing it acapella right before we went down to the font. Rubi and Tamara were
just both in absolute tears. Tamara said in her testimony afterwards, ´´I want
to thank the Elders for that beautiful song, but even more my thanks goes to
God. I have never felt that loved by my Heavenly Father in my life. ´´ These
are going to be two very strong members of the church, and I can’t wait to see
what things the Lord has planned for them.
Just to finish up on a different note, we had a zone
training this last week. Elder Penrod and I were stumped on what to teach the
zone (see included pic on what happens to our desk when we have to plan a
training...) We wanted to teach something inspirational that would change not
just the work, but change the missionaries. I remembered a district meeting that
I had given while I was in Topilejo helping the missionaries to remember why
they decided to serve a mission. We decided to copy that idea, and to help the
missionaries think about what type of missionaries they wanted to be, where
they are, and how they can change to be those missionaries. We based it on Alma
4 and we talked a lot about Christ like attributes and how we can develop
those, I learned so much, and I just hope the missionaries did as well.
I hope that everyone has a chance to listen to the living
Apostles and Prophet of Jesus Christ this weekend in general conference, I am
so excited to be inspired and learn what the Lord needs me to learn.
My love to all,
Elder Stout
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