Monday, September 21, 2015

June 29 - Almost July

Howdy all,

Well I can’t believe that you are going to be celebrating the 4th of July this week, how crazy is that?? Well the big news this is week is that today is officially the last day of President Valadez and his wife, as I am typing this President Meacham is probably arriving, wow, this is going to be so weird, I learned so much from President Valadez but I am super excited to get to know President Meacham too! So, with the change of mission president, our mission office is changing too, so if you would like to send me anything, do itat the following address:

Elder Scott Alexandre Stout
Misión México Ciudad de México Sur
Cerro de Jesús # 115
Colonia Campestre Churubusco
Delegación Coyoacán, México, D.F.
C.P. 04200

Well this week was a long week again! Haha we walked a ton, not as much as a couple weeks ago, but it wasn’t nearly as successful as last week was for us! So Tuesday was a lot of walking but the one bright spot was a lesson that we had with Arturo Politron, an investigator, he is the husband of a menos active and he hasn’t been really progressing recently so that has been a little bit of a bummer for us, but randomly for this lesson I felt the need to teach about why we get baptized that it’s actually a commandment from God as well and that for every commandment God promises us a blessing, and then he accepted to be baptized which was pretty cool!

Wednesday we started trying to look for a lot more people to teach but we were out of luck because literally no one was home, I think it was some sort of holiday because there was also a ton of like tents in the street and a ton of people were having parties and stuff, but who knows? Haha but a rougher day.

Then Thursday we had a nice surprise when we went to the Rodriguez Inciso family’s house, because they introduced us to their aunt and cousin who are both interested in learning more about the church so we got to teach them too! They are awesome and we are looking forward to teaching them again!

Friday I got to have intercambios with the zone leaders, Elder Tapia from Veracruz came to my area and he worked with me! We had an awesome lesson with our investigator Ivette and we helped her realize that she has been feeling the spirit this whole time, and that its been answering her prayers but she just hasn’t realized it! Then in the nighttime we had a super contentious lesson with a less active family who were asking us why they couldn’t get tattoos and then just repent afterwards, it was an awful lesson to teach, the Spirit wasn’t there with us at all, and I just wanted to leave as soon as possible.

But, I had a cool experience that night with Elder Tapia, he just sat me down and was pretty blunt and said you do this this and this well, but you really need to work on this and this, and it was kind of a confidence blow to hear that from the zone leader, but right afterwards, he was like so to fix that we are going to practice right now, so I had like an hour of 1 on 1 seeing examples from one of the greatest teachers in the mission to help me get better, which was a pretty cool experience! Also, to see how the hand of the Lord worked in my life, that I was struggling with how to help this ward, how to love these members, and realyl missing my first area, and Elder Tapia trained me on how to truly be an asset to the ward, and how to change our attitude, and he doesnt know it but that was exactly what I needed to hear! That was cool! Haha then Saturday we had an awesome lesson with Mario Aladino who has been investigating the church forever but just recently accepted our baptismal invitation, we talked about the importance and the blessing of eternal familias and invited them to get married so he could start living the law of chastity before being baptized and he accepted! It was awesome to see how ready he is, and how much he has been prepared for this as well!

Yesterday was so boring! After church we had to go to the area of the zone leaders to report on our week, and usually it’s a 40 minute bus ride both ways, but there was a ton of traffic so it turned into 2 hours both ways and that was literally the only thing that we did yesterday.

Well, have a fun 4th! Love and miss you all!

Elder Stout

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