All in all, we had an awesome week though. Thursday we do a
planning session for the whole week and I had the impressions to look at the
old investigators and menos activos and we were able to put in our schedule to
go and try and contact a lot of people because right before I got here they had
a big baptism and so now most of the lessons we teach are to actives and recent
converts so we need to be teaching more investigators and less actives so that
went really well and everyday we have been trying really hard to contact all of
those people! It was perfect because Wednesday I was feeling a little homesick
again but then that got me re-excited on Thursday and I am doing awesome again,
and am so excited to get to work.
Our main investigators are Ana, Susena, Maria & Carlos,
and Gabrielle. Ana has a really hard time understanding the lessons so we take
like 3 appointments to teach each lesson, but she has been able to retain more
and more each time and it is definitely because of the spirit! Her siblings
were baptized right before I got here. Our problem with her is that she doesn't
want to go to church because she doesn't understand it, we were supposed to
baptize her next Saturday but you have to go to church 5 time before you can be
baptized so we will have to push that back:( Then Susena is brand new and she
is golden! She came to us asking about all these things that are in the bible
and why aren't thy in the Catholic church and how she thinks she should have a
personal relationship with God, and boom we have all her answers! She was the
first person I got to ask to be baptized and she said yes! Only problem is her
husband is very anti-religion and is an alcoholic so we will see how this goes
week by week. Next Maria and Carlos, Maria loves the gospel and has already
almost read half the Book of Mormon in just a few short weeks but Carlos is
less sure. We were able to share the story about Alma 32 and the growing of
faith with him, and I really home that helps because I think that like it says
in Alma 32:21 he thinks he needs to know 100% but faith is about taking that
first step and believing that what you've been feeling is right! Then there is
Gabrielle who like Susena and Maria is just perfect! But, her boyfriend just
got out of jail so they can't be married until he is off parole, and she can't
be baptized while they are living together and not married:( so I might not see
much progression there!
Okay, the food this last week was so good!!! I love the food
here, I can't even really describe it, but pretty much we start every meal with
like a soup, then we have like tomato rice with vegetables in it, some
incredible meat dish with a savory sauce and tortillas! Then we drink like
limeade or fruit punch pretty much is the best way to describe it, and have
like fruit with cream for dessert! And I am not sick yet! Haha
Elder Stout
So scriptures for this week:
Dad John 5:19 thanks for your example!
Mom 3 John 1:11, everything good is of God!
Sam Proverbs 4:3 keep priorities in line, everything will
get better, it is the knowledge that matters!
Jake- Deuteronomy 31:6-8 The Lord is always there for you!
Max Ephesians 6:1-2 Mom and Dad know best always remember
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