Wow! 6 months down, can you all believe it??? I for sure can’t!!
Tuesday nothing really spectacular happened except that we
are starting to really get the trust of the bishop and the other ward leaders
because we went to his house that night and we taught him a lesson and he gave
us like a big long list of people he wants us to visit so we are doing all we
can to go and visit those people for him!
Wednesday I am not going to lie, I got a little upset in a
lesson, I really hope it was the spirit, but I kind of scolded Irma
Garcia...She was talking about all the blessings that they’ve had in their
house because of Alicia’s baptism so I just like came out and was like you do
know that she can bring blessings in for you, but she will never be able to
replace your own saving ordinances and she just got really quiet but I hope she
got the point! But on the high note, they got a pet hedgehog so that was fun to
play with!!
Friday we did service for the first time for the hermana
Guadalupe, and I guess it worked because she came to church too! She is an
investigator who has been for like forever because she never goes to church,
but she came! But she fed us tacos after and they were really sketchy like we
were pulling out bones and stuff from that afternoon I got really
sick and we had to be in the house for the afternoon! But when we went back out
because I didn’t feel awful anymore we had the random impression to go to the
Relief Society President’s house and teach her about Christ and she said she
had been praying for angels and that she couldn’t believed that we had just
showed up, so that was a really cool experience!
Yesterday was pretty awesome as well! We randomly decided to
visit a house of a member last night where I had never been and we found out
that living in their same complex were about 25 inactive members, so we got to
know a ton of people and we gave out 4 different blessings in the space of an
hour! Wow it was great! Well I hope you all are doing great, and just remember
for every email so far, there will only be 3 more!! haha!
Elder Stout