Hey all,
So, I don’t have a ton of time today not going to lie,
because a few weeks ago President changed one of our rules and now we have free
reign to go anywhere in the mission without permission. So, today we headed
down to Xochimilco and it was a blast but the bus came back super slow so I won’t
be able to have all of the time that I would like to write.
So, the really cool experiences that we had this week were
first with Socorro. We had a super cool lesson with her where she just bore
super strong testimony of all of the things that we have taught her. She has
honestly progressed like no other investigator. It has been so awesome to see, it’s
just been easy we literally just have to explain something to her and it all
goes over super well!
The other one was with the family Orozco Peña. I don’t know exactly what it was. But, while we were there we just started talking to them about all of the things they have learned and when they commented to us that they talk about all of these things after we go, a super strong spirit filled the air that they are truly applying the things that we are teaching them. That is all we want as missionaries that our message inspires people to act in their lives!
Well, it was a super successful week! I hope to have more
next week!
Elder Stout
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